
Gluten-free Almond Blackberry Cobbler

I’ve teamed up with Driscoll’s Berries to bring your a series of recipes designed to get your family in the kitchen to #BerryTogether. Thanks to Driscoll’s for believing in this message and for creating the best little berries that my family adores! Find our full disclosure here.

Y’all, is there anything better than a bowl full of fruit on the counter just waiting for you to make something with it? Nothing better. Except maybe that something you end up making :). I use fresh berries all summer long for smashing into seltzer water, putting atop oatmeal, and of course…snacking. One of my favorite uses of Driscoll’s blackberries is this gluten-free Blackberry Almond Cobbler recipe that is easy, sweet, and totally comforting.


My kids spent most of their childhood in northern Wisconsin in the middle of the woods amongst pine trees, creeks, bear, wolves, animals, and… wild berries. They knew how to use paintball guns to scare bear away from the yard, build forts in the trees, hunt for snakes (little harmless ones), build a golf course in our yard, and…find avoid the thorns and prickles from the berry bushes.

They loved fresh berries but, to be honest, often those berries didn’t make it into the house. They inevitably got eaten on the way through the woods. So I often ended up grabbing Driscoll’s berries at the store to make the treats and recipes that they had begged for “if we pick the berries?”. They had, after all, picked the berries. So, I honored that and made up their berry treats. This recipe is a gluten-free version of their favorite blackberry cobbler recipe.

My kids would sit at the island and chat while I baked. I would ask them to measure, count berries, and talk me through the recipe. Those little ones learned math and problem-solving in the kitchen with me.

gluten-free blackberry almond cobbler

You may not be living in the middle of the woods amongst the bear like we did.  In fact, as many of you know, about 5 years ago we moved from there. But, I would encourage you to grab some Driscoll’s blackberries, bring your kids into the kitchen, and have them help you with this recipe. Ask them to count the berries, measure the ingredients, time the cooking period, and, of course, eat the fruits of their labors. Talk to them about where the berries come from, that the bear and other animals love them, show them a picture of a plant, and, of course, share your photo’s! I would love to see your family in the kitchen together!

For more about this recipe and how you can use it to get your kids involved in the kitchen head HERE to read more of my story.

And, of course, Driscoll’s wants to see your pictures! The best part is that when you share your pictures and use the hashtag #BerryTogether you are entered to win a family getaway to Monterey, California. Hello…jealous! Can I be part of your family, please???


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