
Homemade anti-bacterial spray

DIY antibacterial-all-purpose-cleaner with only 3 easy to find ingredients!

Hey all! Welcome to the yucky post all about cleaning. I know, run away…run away!! But STOP! The next few minutes of reading yucky stuff about diy antibacterial cleaners will be so useful. Truly! We don’t write a whole lot of tutorials, tips and tricks, and all that jazz about cleaning. Because, let’s face it…cleaning is fairly straightforward.

We can pretend all we want to give you the next best thing but it’s just hype and drama. There is no next best thing for cleaning. It’s still very much the same way it was 20 years ago. Sadly. But, we do have a few little tricks that streamline the old-school way of cleaning. And today we have one of our faves.

All-purpose DIY antibacterial cleaner.

In only 3 ingredients (unless you count water. Then 4 ingredients) that you can find at your local Walmart. For real!

This little beauty takes away the need for multiple bottles of varying cleaners AND it’s anti-bacterial. So, it kills germs and stops mold. Really, it stops mold. Clean your bathroom, kitchen, basement…anywhere that gets a little damp and this fabulous stuff will keep that mold away.

Secret ingredient: Tea Tree Oil.

  • Tea Tree oil is a magic little guy. Use it to spot treat acne. To clear up poison ivy. To keep away ants. The list goes on!
  • Rubbing alcohol is used instead of water because the alcohol evaporates  and leaves the tea tree oil instead of sticking. Perfect for already damp areas!
  • Rubbing alcohol is known as antimicrobial which means it kills microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, germs) or stops their growth – such and the spread of germs. It kills 99.99% of germs within about 10-30 seconds and makes a great disinfectant spray!
  • Vinegar has always been known to be a fantastic cleaning agent. The problem…it doesn’t smell so great. Thankfully mixing water, rubbing alcohol, and tea tree oil with it helps alot!
  • Spot test the cleaner  on painted surfaces. Some oil-based paints/stains come off with rubbing alcohol (not many! but some.) You can always do the water version if you are worried.
  • WARNING: tea tree oil is toxic if ingested in large amounts. Keep away from children that might drink the bottle. gross.

 HOW TO MAKE YOUR DIY ANTIBACTERIAL CLEANER: Click here for video tutorial.

DIY anti-bacterial, all-purpose cleaner. Only 3 ingredients...easy to find!! | DIY antibacterial cleaner

DIY Anti-bacterial Cleaner

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Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 3 cups


  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 15 drops tea tree oil


  • Mix everything together in a spray bottle.



NOTE: test this on painted and varnished surfaces first! Also, vinegar has been known to be damaging to some kinds of stones. Test your surface!

 If you don’t want to go through the trouble of making DIY antibacterial cleaner, Mrs. Meyers makes a great version that actually isn’t too expensive.

13 thoughts on “Homemade anti-bacterial spray”

  1. After I posted this, my daughter informed me that the Hollywood Beauty brand has other ingredients. I plan to continue using the cheaper product but this may not be as strong as you would want for this type of application.

    I usually do my research better than this. Please forgive me :)

  2. If you look in the Ethnic hair care section at Walmart, you will find a 2 oz bottle of Hollywood Beauty tea tree oil for $2.78 instead of the $7.96 in the vitamin section.

    So that cuts the cost of this helpful hint anti bacterial mixture to just pennies :)


  3. Great post Nellie! Just found your awesome website. Looking forward to more! When you have a sec, would love to hear your thoughts on Freshana Organic Solutions 100% natural, organic, safe and effective cleaning products, air purifiers, laundry solution, dishwasher liquid, carpet cleaning and pet care products as well. Might be a great fit for you and your readers. Thanks!

  4. Just a few drops of tea tree oil will work for 8 oz of rubbing alcohol. It doesn’t need to be exact.

  5. The 3rd we used was a natural cleaner concentrate. But if you just want something to keep away mold, alcohol and tea tree oil are enough!

  6. What the 3rd ingredient? Tea tree oil… alcohol and what else? Am I not seeing it lol

  7. I love DIY home cleaners! I think it’s important to note that you should do some research into what brand of tea tree oil you’re buying. The brands you’ll find at Target or any major store, even many brands at health food stores like Whole Foods, are likely to be diluted or tainted with fillers and chemicals (exactly what you’re trying to avoid here). $6-$8 for a bottle as big as what you have in the video (and yes, that’s big! not small) is very cheap! You don’t have to go the route of the super expensive brands like Young Living or DoTerra, but there are many more affordable, quality brands to try. Plant Therapy is one I love and I have used a lot of their oils with great success, Tea Tree included. Also Mountain Rose Herbs is a reputable and affordable brand. Both of these you can get online on their websites. Also, you should be using amber or cobalt GLASS spray bottles, never plastic! Essential oils break down plastics very quickly and all the yucky chemicals in the plastic will get into your cleaning spray. Again, what you are trying to avoid. Also, essential oils are break down and lose their therapeutic qualities when exposed to light, so dark colored glass prevents that from happening. It’s great when people want to clean their home with safer products, just be sure you’re using quality ingredients and all the right tools!

  8. Style Bits & Bobs of M.E.

    Thanks for sharing. I have tea tree oil at home and I will try this!

  9. Laura | BakingOutsidetheBox

    Thanks for sharing this. I trust tea tree oil and I I can’t wait to try this cleaner.

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